Frequently Asked Questions
Why doesn't Max have a real website with pictures of his books and of him?
This is a real website! Pictures of his books are on Amazon, etc.
Why isn't Max on Bluesky or Mastodon or TikTok or X?
Perpetual performance anxiety led Max to abandon these popular social media platforms for the pleasures of hermitage.
How many times did Max apply to Mensa?
Was Max really fired from a pet store?
Yes, he was —- for failing to split the change on a $20 McDonald's order five ways.
Was Max's former literary agent a convicted felon?
Yes and no. For intimate details, please contact Max.
Why can't I find Max's books anywhere, not even in dumpsters?
Excellent question. One reviewer called the dearth of Max's books a "literary crime." To make them available to the world at large, please start a petition at
Does Max ever remember his dreams?
Does Max suffer from any allergies?
Yes! Max suffers from seasonal asthma, which he traces back to a bookstore in Leicester, England, where he was exposed to creeping bagweed.
What is Max's writing routine?
He sits in a pretty comfortble chair for long hours, occasionally getting up to drink something and/or relieve himself.
What is Max reading now?
Max is reading Dr. Calhoun's Mousery by Lee Alan Dugatkin, an actual tale of mice and men. He just finished the Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford, which he loved but which made him feel a little stupid sometimes.